We make stuff and teach others the joy of doing so.
We are a interdisciplinary studio working in Aarhus, DK. on projects through design, art and craft.
Our force is to fuse impulses and stories, tradition and renewal into use in our playful and exploration approach towards tackling materiales and techniques and a fondness to craft cheerful and beautiful projects.
Henrik Jul Ebbesen
Henrik Jul Ebbesen, Danish born designer and founder of fuseuse studio.
He is an awarded professional Goldsmith, a Gemologist, a trained electronics technician and has a Master in Architecture and Design form the Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark. He has designed for a range of Danish and international brands for a number of years.
Lives and work in Aarhus, on interdisciplinary projects. He uses hands on creativity as a tool for experimental crafting and empathetic thinking. He created this studio to allow people to fuse their personal experiences with the desire to find new ways of thinking and using there hands to be imaginative without limitations.
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Artistic workshops:
2021 Kunst på tværs, United Change: Workshops for 6. klassesbørn med udgangspunkt i FN’s Verdensmål
2021 Materiale Magi, Børnekulturhuset Aarhus: Workshops i materialesansning for dagtilbud (april)
2021 Artikel om børns kreativ processer: ”Den ukendte verden af ler” i: Rundt om ler.
Udgivet af: Kompetencecenter for børn, unge og billedkunst, maj 2021.
2020 Inspirationskursus ’MODU-LER’ for pædagoger og lærere d. 8/1.
2020 MODU-Ler familieworkshops, Børnekulturhuset Aarhus.
2019-20 MODU-Ler workshops, Børnekulturhuset Aarhus: Den ukendte verden af ler.
Workshops for dagtilbud oktober 2019 til februar 2020.
2017 Europæiske Kulturbørn, børneprogram under Europæisk Kulturhovedstad Aarhus 2017:
Metalworkshops og materialesansning under projektet Europæiske Kulturbørn, som var et
forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt drevet af nordiske og europæiske institutioner, med fokus
på kunst og kultur i dagligdagen for børn i alderen 0-8 år. Silkeborg: Alderslystområdet.